No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion. People learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.- Nelson Mandela
      Can we take a moment and decide not to ignore the alarming number of failed relationships happening around the globe, outrageous number of broken souls here and there? I then ask myself where is the Love? The killings and bombings, the anger and bitterness we carry in us, the piling of so much hatred in our hearts, we move with all these like a truck moves around with its garbage, dumbs it when its eventually way to full to drive on and goes back to picks up the remaining pieces, I ask again where is the love? What ever went wrong? The number of depressing youths, no one to talk to, no one to listen to you, no one to give a listening ear's, the fear of getting pregnant and been rejected by the society, the failed relationships among family members, those who promised to stay with us and never did, those who went behind our back and stabbed us, the betrayal, the healing, the forgiving, the trial times of having to wait to get a job or that result from the university, the pain of having to wait for a whole year or more due to strike movements, the deep pain of seeing your mates going further and moving to the next stage for them and you sit around asking"What have I done wrong? Whatever went wrong for me? The fear of not getting acceptance from your spouses family and relations. We have so many questions that we always search for answers.
    However, did we ever also take time to tell ourselves "I have come this far for a reason and I intend not to give up here because I do not run on the same speed with all this other people, I'm going to be the best version of myself and I intend to wave away the "buts" and "What if's" of life" and take this road to the finish end because only you can.
   Sweetheart, darling, you don't have to be married with kids by 25, it's ok to be 16 and never been kissed, its ok that a lot of people would not like you, it's ok to be 28 and still a virgin, is ok to be 22 and still in college, you're not a failure because you haven't gotten your dream job at 30, It's ok to be 37 and prefer sitting home than clubbing, it's ok to put God first in all your dealings. Go at your own speed. It's never a race. We will all be fine at the end of it. If God is for you, who then is against us. At the end of the day you only have YOU!!!  Be inspired!!!!


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