Self esteem is used to describe an overall sense of self worth or personal value, it could also be a personality trait which means it tends to be stable and enduring. There are two types of esteem;high and low. Some persons place their esteem in a very high place, while others battle with low self esteem.
People battling with low self esteem find themselves in that space due to some threatening life events such as anxiety, trauma or abuse, divorce,failed relationships, mood disorders such as depression, moving on, changing locations, poor performances in school, unrealistic goals, influence of friends, unsupportive parents are also a major factor, some of these failed events tend to get the better version of people battling with low esteem.
Low self esteem is a personality trait that can ruin you in a very bad way if you don’t find the strength to get pass it. If you are a frequent reader to this page, you will realize I very much like indulging myself in my write ups so as to make it more relatable to my readership ( I am that writer who put her feelings into words) so personally, I am someone battling with low self esteem, so if you are reading my article I want you to understand you are not alone in this, but it is something you can definitely overcome.
•YOU CHECK YOUR PHONE THE WHOLE TIME DURING SOCIAL SITUATIONS- You find yourself unable to engage during social gatherings instead you are desperately checking your phone and appear more socially connected.
•YOU BACK DOWN DURING DISAGREEMENT TO APPEASE ANOTHER PERSON- You negotiate your views so as to avoid conflict. You would rather avoid experiencing rocky water than express yourself honestly.
•YOU TAKE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM TOO PERSONALLY- Rather than take criticism objectively, you react emotionally.
•YOU ARE AFRIAD TO CONTRIBUTE YOUR OPINION IN CONVERSATION- You find yourself second guessing what you want to say and also find yourself stuttering before speaking.
•TOO SELF CONSCIOUS ON WHAT THE NEXT PERSON THINKS ABOUT YOU- Peoples opinion about you come first in hand before you think of what you place of yourself.
•YOU ARE INDECISIVE IN THE MIDST OF SIMPLE DECISIONS- You change your mind over simple decisions such as activities with your friends, what to eat or wear. After coming to such decisions you change your mind over and over again.
•YOU CANNOT HANDLE GENUINE COMPLIMENTS- You read too many meanings into simple compliments instead of graciously accepting them.
•YOU COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS- You pay extra attention to those you deem more successful than you and let your self plummet as a result. Instead of focusing on your journey and your journey alone. You constantly look at everyones else.
•YOU GIVE UP TOO EASILY- You have little confidence on yourself, so you tend to give up even before you begin.
•YOU SLOUCH- You put yourself and keep sending message and voicing it out that you are not proud of yourself.
•YOU SPEAK NEGATIVE OF PEOPLE- You always tend to find something wrong with everyone but you. There is always that bad vibe you keep sending around your circle and you most likely speak ill about peoples success and engaging in negative self talk.
Experiencing three to five of the following? Then you very much likely to be battling with low self esteem.
This article is not coming off as people with high self esteem have it all because as a matter of fact no one was build with “high esteem” every person had to build his/her esteem at some point, but rather relating that “low self esteem” is a “thing” and you are not alone, making them understand that going through low self esteem is a phase and anyone can have the confidence of building their esteem.
Self esteem/self respect and self confidence is one of each, you can’t be over confident without speaking highly of yourself, you can’t find the self respect you are worthy of if you don’t appear equally to give enough. However, there is a thin line between arrogance and building your self esteem; you can be the smartest in the room but there is also a high chance that you are not the most attentive. Our body language speak more of who we are than our words tend to, let your body language speak in building your esteem. Be the smartest, be attentive, be confident, be that listener, speak highly of yourself when you have to without necessarily having to appear as the cocky one in building.
Conclusively, in most cases, it starts from your circle, walk with people who engage you and never speak in negative manner of bringing you down or speak ill of you to your face. Battling low self esteem is a PHASE without doubt that we can all conquer. “YOU JUST NEVER HAVE TO BE IN THAT SPACE FOR LONG”
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